Spread.Sheets Documentation
Spread.Sheets Documentation > Formula Reference > Formula Functions > COMBINA

This function calculates the number of possible combinations (along with repetitions) for the specified number of items.


COMBINA(Value, Value_chosen)


This function has the following arguments:

Argument Description
Value Refers to the number representing the number of items. This value must be positive and greater than or equal to the second argument i.e. Value_chosen.
Value_chosen Refers to the number of items in each possible combination. This value must be positive.


The following equation is used to calculate the COMBINA function:

(Value + Value_chosen -1) / (Value-1)

Data Types

Accepts numeric data for both arguments. Returns numeric data.


COMBINA(5,4) gives the result 70.

COMBINA(6,5) gives the result 252.

COMBINA(11,3) gives the result 286.

See Also