Spread.Sheets Documentation
Binding to Data

Spread.Sheets supports binding to array objects and Knockout.observableArray. Spread.Sheets also supports cell-level binding, which allows binding to any object.

Spread.Sheets supports two-way data binding.

Specific columns can be bound with the bindColumn method.

See the following topics for more information:

Using Code

This example binds specific columns with the bindColumn method.

Copy Code
var datasource = [
                   { name: "Alice", age: 27, birthday: "1985/08/31", position: "PM" },
                   { name: "Aimee", age: 28, birthday: "1984/07/31", position: "TL" },
                   { name: "Charles", age: 29, birthday: "1983/03/31", position: "QC" },
                   { name: "Fred", age: 30, birthday: "1982/02/20", position: "DL" },
                   { name: "Angelia", age: 31, birthday: "1981/05/30", position: "QC" },
                   { name: "Peter", age: 32, birthday: "1980/11/08", position: "QC" }
var nameColInfo = { name: "name", displayName: "Name", size: 70 };
var ageColInfo = { name: "age", displayName: "Age", size: 40, resizable: false };
var birthdayColInfo = { name: "birthday", displayName: "Birthday",formatter:"d/M/yy", size: 120 };
var positionColInfo = { name: "position", displayName: "Position", size: 50, visible: false };
activeSheet.autoGenerateColumns = true;
activeSheet.bindColumn(0, nameColInfo);
activeSheet.bindColumn(1, ageColInfo);
activeSheet.bindColumn(2, birthdayColInfo);
activeSheet.bindColumn(3, positionColInfo);

Using Code

This example binds specific columns with the bindColumn method.

Copy Code
var test = [


Using Code

This example binds the sheet with the setDataSource method.

Copy Code
var test = [

activeSheet.setDataSource(test, true);

Using Code

This example binds to a JSON array object.

Copy Code
var jasonArray = '{"phoneNumbers": [{"type": "home","number": "212 555-1234"},{"type": "fax","number": "646 555-4567"}]}';
var arr = JSON.parse(jasonArray);
See Also



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