Spread.Sheets Documentation
CellRange type
Represents a cell range in a sheet.
var instance = new GC.Spread.Sheets.CellRange(sheet, row, col, rowCount, colCount, sheetArea);
function CellRange;
Inheritance Hierarchy


public ConstructorCellRange ConstructorRepresents a cell range in a sheet.  
public FieldcolGets the starting column index.  
public FieldcolCountGets the column count.  
public FieldrowGets the starting row index.  
public FieldrowCountGets the row count.  
public FieldsheetGets the sheet that contains this cell range.  
public FieldsheetAreaGets the area that contains this cell range.  
public MethodbackColorGets or sets the background color for the cell, such as "red", "#FFFF00", "rgb(255,0,0)", "Accent 5", and so on.  
public MethodbackgroundImageGets or sets the background image for the cell.  
public MethodbackgroundImageLayoutGets or sets the background image layout for the cell.  
public MethodbindingPathGets or sets the binding path for cell binding.  
public MethodborderBottomGets or sets the bottom border of the cell.  
public MethodborderLeftGets or sets the left border of the cell.  
public MethodborderRightGets or sets the right border of the cell.  
public MethodborderTopGets or sets the top border of the cell.  
public MethodcellPaddingGets or sets the cell padding.  
public MethodcellTypeGets or sets the cell type of the cell.  
public MethodclearClears the specified area.  
public MethodcommentGets or sets the comment for the cell.  
public MethodfontGets or sets the font for the cell, such as "normal normal normal 20px/normal Arial".  
public MethodforeColorGets or sets the color of the text in the cell, such as "red", "#FFFF00", "rgb(255,0,0)", "Accent 5", and so on.  
public MethodformatterGets or sets the formatter for the cell.  
public MethodformulaGets or sets the formula for the cell.  
public MethodhAlignGets or sets the horizontal alignment of the contents of the cell.  
public MethodheightGets or sets the height of the row in pixels.  
public MethodimeModeGets or sets the imeMode of the cell.  
public MethodlabelOptionsGets or sets the cell label options.  
public MethodlockedGets or sets whether the cell is locked. When the sheet is protected, the locked cell cannot be edited.  
public MethodresizableGets or sets whether the row or column can be resized by the user.  
public MethodsetBorderSets the border for the specified area.  
public MethodshrinkToFitGets or sets whether the cell shrinks the text to fit the cell size.  
public MethodtabStopGets or sets a value that indicates whether the user can set focus to the cell using the Tab key.  
public MethodtagGets or sets the tag for the cell.  
public MethodtextGets or sets the formatted text for the cell.  
public MethodtextDecorationGets or sets the type of the decoration added to the cell's text.  
public MethodtextIndentGets or sets the text indent of the cell.  
public MethodthemeFontGets or sets the theme font for the cell.  
public MethodvalidatorGets or sets the data validator for the cell.  
public MethodvAlignGets or sets the vertical alignment of the contents of the cell.  
public MethodvalueGets or sets the unformatted value of the cell.  
public MethodvisibleGets or sets whether the row or column is displayed.  
public MethodwatermarkGets or sets the content of the cell watermark.  
public MethodwidthGets or sets the width of the column in pixels.  
public MethodwordWrapGets or sets whether the cell lets text wrap.  
See Also


GC.Spread.Sheets Namespace



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