Spread for ASP.NET 9.0 Product Documentation
SortOrder Enumeration
Example Example 

Specifies the order of sorting for the items in the tag cloud.
Public Enum SortOrder 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As SortOrder
public enum SortOrder : System.Enum 
DisplayTextAscendingSorts the items in the tag cloud by displaying text alphabetically in ascending order
DisplayTextDescendingSorts the items in the tag cloud by displaying text alphabetically in descending order
TextAscendingSorts the items in the tag cloud alphabetically in ascending order
TextDescendingSorts the items in the tag cloud alphabetically in descending order
WeightAscendingSorts the items in the tag cloud by weight with the lowest weight first
WeightDescendingSorts the items in the tag cloud by weight with the highest weight first
This example uses the SortOrder enumeration.
FarPoint.Web.Spread.TagCloudCellType tagCell = new FarPoint.Web.Spread.TagCloudCellType(new string[] { "SEARCH", "ASP.NET",
"JAVASCRIPT" }, new string[] { "20", "50", "30" }, new string[] { "http://www.google.com", "http://www.farpointspread.com/",
"http://www.w3schools.com/js/" });
tagCell.RankingColors = new string[] { "green", "red", "puple", "yellow", "brown", "black" };
tagCell.RankingFonts = new string[] { "Arial", "Century", "Georgia", "Onyx", "Times Roman" };
tagCell.HoverColor = "Orange";
tagCell.DisplayLimit = FarPoint.Web.Spread.DisplayLimit.MostWeight;
tagCell.DisplayCount = 2;
tagCell.SortOrder = FarPoint.Web.Spread.SortOrder.DisplayTextDescending;
tagCell.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow;
FpSpread1.ActiveSheetView.Cells[1, 0].CellType = tagCell;
Dim tagCell As New FarPoint.Web.Spread.TagCloudCellType(New String() {"SEARCH", "ASP.NET", "JAVASCRIPT"}, New String() {"20",
"50", "30"}, New String() {"http://www.google.com", "http://www.farpointspread.com/", "http://www.w3schools.com/js/"})
tagCell.RankingColors = New String() {"green", "red", "puple", "yellow", "brown", "black"}
tagCell.RankingFonts = New String() {"Arial", "Century", "Georgia", "Onyx", "Times Roman"}
tagCell.HoverColor = "Orange"
tagCell.DisplayLimit = FarPoint.Web.Spread.DisplayLimit.MostWeight
tagCell.DisplayCount = 2
tagCell.SortOrder = FarPoint.Web.Spread.SortOrder.DisplayTextDescending
tagCell.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow
FpSpread1.ActiveSheetView.Cells(1, 0).CellType = tagCell
Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows XP Professional

See Also


FarPoint.Web.Spread Namespace



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