Spread for ASP.NET 11 Product Documentation
DisplayLimit Enumeration
Example Example 

FarPoint.Web.Spread Assembly > FarPoint.Web.Spread Namespace : DisplayLimit Enumeration
Specifies the limit of the items to display in the tag cloud.
Public Enum DisplayLimit 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As DisplayLimit
public enum DisplayLimit : System.Enum 
LeastWeightUses the lowest value of weight to specify a limit for items displayed in the tag cloud
MostWeightUses the highest value of weight to specify a limit for items displayed in the tag cloud
NoneUses no limit for which items are displayed in the tag cloud
This example uses the DisplayLimit enumeration.
FarPoint.Web.Spread.TagCloudCellType tagCell = new FarPoint.Web.Spread.TagCloudCellType(new string[] { "SEARCH", "ASP.NET",
"JAVASCRIPT" }, new string[] { "20", "50", "30" }, new string[] { "http://www.google.com", "http://www.farpointspread.com/",
"http://www.w3schools.com/js/" });
tagCell.RankingColors = new string[] { "green", "red", "puple", "yellow", "brown", "black" };
tagCell.RankingFonts = new string[] { "Arial", "Century", "Georgia", "Onyx", "Times Roman" };
tagCell.HoverColor = "Orange";
tagCell.DisplayLimit = FarPoint.Web.Spread.DisplayLimit.MostWeight;
tagCell.DisplayCount = 2;
tagCell.SortOrder = FarPoint.Web.Spread.SortOrder.DisplayTextDescending;
tagCell.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow;
FpSpread1.ActiveSheetView.Cells[1, 0].CellType = tagCell;
Dim tagCell As New FarPoint.Web.Spread.TagCloudCellType(New String() {"SEARCH", "ASP.NET", "JAVASCRIPT"}, New String() {"20",
"50", "30"}, New String() {"http://www.google.com", "http://www.farpointspread.com/", "http://www.w3schools.com/js/"})
tagCell.RankingColors = New String() {"green", "red", "puple", "yellow", "brown", "black"}
tagCell.RankingFonts = New String() {"Arial", "Century", "Georgia", "Onyx", "Times Roman"}
tagCell.HoverColor = "Orange"
tagCell.DisplayLimit = FarPoint.Web.Spread.DisplayLimit.MostWeight
tagCell.DisplayCount = 2
tagCell.SortOrder = FarPoint.Web.Spread.SortOrder.DisplayTextDescending
tagCell.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow
FpSpread1.ActiveSheetView.Cells(1, 0).CellType = tagCell
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


FarPoint.Web.Spread Namespace