SpreadJS Documentation
Function type
Represents an abstract base class for defining functions.
var instance = new GcSpread.Sheets.Calc.Functions.Function(name, minArgs, maxArgs);
function Function;
Inheritance Hierarchy


public ConstructorFunction ConstructorRepresents an abstract base class for defining functions.  
public FieldtypeNameRepresents the type name string used for supporting serialization.  
public MethodacceptsArrayDetermines whether the function accepts array values for the specified argument.  
public MethodacceptsErrorIndicates whether the function can process Error values.  
public MethodacceptsMissingArgumentIndicates whether the Evaluate method can process missing arguments.  
public MethodacceptsReferenceDetermines whether the function accepts Reference values for the specified argument.  
public MethodevaluateReturns the result of the function applied to the arguments.  
public MethodfindBranchArgumentFinds the branch argument.  
public MethodfindTestArgumentFinds the test argument when this function is branched.  
public MethodfromJSONLoads the object state from the specified JSON string.  
public MethodisBranchGets a value that indicates whether this function is branched by arguments as conditional.  
public MethodisContextSensitiveDetermines whether the evaluation of the function is dependent on the context in which the evaluation occurs.  
public MethodisVolatileDetermines whether the function is volatile while it is being evaluated.  
public MethodtoJSONSaves the object state to a JSON string.  
public MethodtoStringReturns the string representation of the function.  
See Also


GcSpread.Sheets.Calc.Functions Namespace



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