Spread 8.0 Documentation
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DLL Reference > DLL Structures > SS_PRINTINFO Structure

Glossary Item Box


See Also

Applies To

fpSpread control


typedef struct ss_printinfo
    BOOL fIsPreview;
    HDC hDCPrinter;
    RECT RectPreview;
    RECT RectPrinter;
    HWND hWndSpread;
    long lxtra;


The following fields are available:

Field Description
fIsPreview Is set to TRUE if the pages are being sent to the fpSpreadPreview control. Is set to FALSE if the pages are being sent to the current printer.
hDCPrinter If the fIsPreview field is TRUE, this provides the hDC for the current printer
RectPreview Returns the size of the preview page in the fpSpreadPreview control
RectPrinter Returns the size of the actual page if printed on the current printer
hWndSpread Returns the window handle of the fpSpread control
lxtra Can be used by your application to store data, for example, page count


Use LONG_PTR instead of long for the 64-bit DLL.

The SS_PRINTINFO structure provides information for the callback function used by the SSPrint, SSGetPrintOptions, and SSSetPrintOptions functions when the pages in the sheet are being sent to the fpSpreadPreview control.

The RectPreview and RectPrinter fields provide sizes that are used to find the ratio for scaling fonts.

See Also

SSPrint, SSGetPrintOptions, SSSetPrintOptions functions

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