Spread 8.0 Documentation
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DLL Reference > DLL Structures > SS_LEAVEROW Structure

Glossary Item Box


See Also

Applies To

fpSpread control


typedef struct ss_leaverow
    SS_COORD RowCurrent;
    SS_COORD RowNew;
    BOOL fRowEdited;
    BOOL fRowChangeMade;
    BOOL fRowNewBeyondLastDataRow;
    BOOL fAllCellsHaveData;
    BOOL fAddRow;
    BOOL fCancel;


The following fields are available:

Field Description
RowCurrent Row number of current selected row
RowNew Row being entered
fRowEdited TRUE if edit mode is on in the current row
fRowChangeMade TRUE if user made a change to the current row
fRowNewBeyondLastDataRow TRUE if new row user is clicking is beyond the row below the last row containing data
(The purpose of this flag is to let the application limit the user to entering data one line at a time, thereby preventing skipped rows.)
fAllCellsHaveData TRUE if all cells within the current row have data
fAddRow TRUE if the current row just edited should be treated as a new row
fCancel To prevent the user from entering the new row, set this value to TRUE when exiting the SSM_LEAVEROW message


This structure is sent through the SSM_LEAVEROW message to the owner of the fpSpread control. The message is sent only if the operation mode of the sheet is row mode, as specified by the SSSetOperationMode function. The SSM_LEAVEROW message is sent each time the user moves from one row to another.

See Also


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