Spread 8.0 Documentation
Spread Designer Features
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Spread Designer Features

Design-Time or Run-Time Mode
Within the Spread Designer, you can view a design-time version of your sheet in design mode. You can also switch to a run-time version of the sheet, which shows your sheet as it will appear when it is in your application. For example, when working with hidden columns, you can view the columns and design them in design mode. When you switch to run-time mode, the columns are hidden. For more information, refer to Using Design Versus Run-Time Mode.

Multiple Files, Multiple Views
The Spread Designer view is the default view provided by the designer. The Spread Designer view displays the sheet in its current design-time state. You can open views of other existing spreadsheets. You can also open spreadsheets that were created in Excel 97, Excel 2000, and Excel 2002, as well as text files, such as comma-delimited text files. Once open, you can modify the Spread Designer view or one of the open views, and then choose which view, if any, to apply to the fpSpread control.

In stand-alone mode, you can create a workbook of sheets or an individual spreadsheet and save the file as an Excel-formatted file, an HTML file, an XML file. Refer to the various export reference documents for details on how Spread properties are saved to these file types. For more information, refer to Opening Multiple Spreadsheets in Spread Designer.

Multiple Sheets
Spread Designer, as in the control itself, lets you work with workbooks that have multiple sheets.

Learn Mode
Using learn mode, you can generate documented code for actions you perform while working in the Spread Designer. You can view this code in the Spread Designer, and you can paste this code in your application. For more information, refer to Using Learn Mode in Spread Designer.

Easily Selected Cell Types
You can easily set the formatting for a cell using the many cell types available. From the cell type toolbar or from the Cells menu, you can select a cell type for a cell or range of cells. In this version of the product, we have added a scientific notation cell type. Using cell type mode, you can see at a glance the type of cell in the sheet. For more information on cell type mode, refer to Using Cell Type Mode in Spread Designer.

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