Spread 8.0 Documentation
Using Cell Type Mode in Spread Designer
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Using Cell Type Mode in Spread Designer



The Spread Designer provides cell type mode to visually indicate which cells are assigned which cell type. In cell type mode, the various cell types are each indicated by a different background color. (No colors are displayed for the button, check box, and combo box cell types because their type is self-evident.)

In cell type mode, the cell type bar appears above the status bar, and previously set cell types are displayed with the appropriate background colors. The spreadsheet does not display the cell background colors in cell type mode; the colors are temporarily overridden.

  • Although float and integer cell types are obsolete in this version of Spread, float and integer cells created in previous versions of Spread display their appropriate background colors in cell type mode. The float and integer cell types have been replaced by the currency, number, and percent cell types.
  • When the Spread Designer is in cell type mode, you cannot save a spreadsheet, apply the changes back to the original, selected control, or set cell colors. If you attempt to perform any of these actions, the spreadsheet prompts you to exit cell type mode prior to performing the desired action.

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