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To export to an HTML file

  1. If your control contains more than one sheet, specify the sheet with which you want to work by setting the Sheet property.
  2. If you want to exclude part of the sheet, hide the appropriate columns or rows with the ColHidden or RowHidden properties.
  3. If you do not want to display column or row headers, set the ColHeadersShow or RowHeadersShow property to False.
  4. Complete the following steps, depending on whether you want to export a cell, rows, columns, the entire sheet, or blocks of cells in the sheet.
    • If you want to export the entire sheet or export several sheets into one HTML file, call the ExportToHTML method, and set the parameters as follows:
      1. Set the FileName parameter to a valid path and file name.
        If you do not specify an extension, Spread will add .HTM.
      2. If one of the following statements is true, set the AppendFlag parameter to 0 (False).
        • This is the only sheet you want to export.
        • This is the first time you are calling the ExportToHTML method for exporting multiple sheets into one HTML file.

          Note: The first time you call the ExportToHTML method, you must set the AppendFlag parameter to 0.

      3. If this is the second or later time you are calling the ExportToHTML method and you want to append data to an existing file, set the AppendFlag parameter to 1 (True).
      4. Repeat steps 4.a–4.c until you have exported all the data you want to export from the sheet.
    • If you want to export a cell, a column, a row, or blocks of cells, call the ExportRangeToHTML method, and set the parameters as follows:
      1. Set the Col, Row, Col2, and Row2 parameters to specify the cell, row, column, or block of cells.
        Using Column and Row Properties explains valid values for the Col, Row, Col2, and Row2 parameters.
      2. Set the FileName parameter to a valid path and file name.
        If you do not specify an extension, Spread will add .HTM.
      3. If one of the following statements is true, set the AppendFlag parameter to 0 (False).
        • This is the only cell, column, row, or block of cells you want to export.
        • This is the first time you are calling the ExportRangeToHTML method for a set of discontiguous data.

          Note: The first time you call the ExportRangeToHTML method, you must set the AppendFlag parameter to 0.

      4. If this is the second or later time you are calling the ExportRangeToHTML method for a set of discontiguous data and you want to append data to an existing file, set the AppendFlag parameter to 1 (True).
      5. Repeat steps 4.a–4.d until you have exported all the data you want.
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