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To change or turn off the F2, F3, and F4 action keys

Note: Spread provides multiple ways to navigate within the control. We recommend that you do not choose a key sequence for these actions that Spread uses for navigation. For a list of navigation keys that Spread uses, see Advanced Navigation.

  1. To change the F2, F3, or F4 action key, call the SSSetActionKey function and set the parameters as follows:
    1. Set the wAction parameter to SS_KBA_CLEAR, SS_KBA_CURRENT, or SS_KBA_POPUP.
    2. Set the fShift parameter to TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the Shift key is pressed.
    3. Set the fCtrl parameter to TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the Ctrl key is pressed.
    4. Set the wKey parameter to the ASCII value of the key you want to use.

      Note: If you want to use alphabetical keys, you must use uppercase letters for this parameter.

  2. To turn the F2, F3, or F4 action key off, call the SSSetActionKey function and set the parameters as follows:
    1. Set the wAction parameter to SS_KBA_CLEAR, SS_KBA_CURRENT, or SS_KBA_POPUP.
    2. Set the wKey parameter to 0.
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