Spread 8.0 Documentation
SSGetActionKey, SSSetActionKey Functions
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SSGetActionKey, SSSetActionKey Functions

See Also    ActiveX

Applies To

fpSpread DLL control


Set or return the shortcut key or navigation key assigned to a specified action.



BOOL SSGetActionKey(HWND hWnd, WORD wAction, LPBOOL lpfShift, LPBOOL lpfCtrl, LPWORD lpwKey);

BOOL SSSetActionKey(HWND hWnd, WORD wAction, BOOL fShift, BOOL fCtrl, WORD wKey);


BOOL TSpread::GetActionKey(WORD wAction, LPBOOL lpfShift, LPBOOL lpfCtrl, LPWORD lpwKey);

BOOL TSpread::SetActionKey(WORD wAction, BOOL fShift, BOOL fCtrl, WORD wKey);


The following parameters are available:

Parameter Description
hWnd Window handle of the fpSpread control
wAction Action for which to set or return navigation or shortcut keys
Choose one of the following values:
Value Constant Description
0 SS_KBA_CLEAR Clears the active cell
1 SS_KBA_CURRENT Displays the current date and time in a date or time cell
2 SS_KBA_POPUP Displays a pop-up calendar in a date cell
lpfShift The state of the Shift key
lpfCtrl The state of the Ctrl key
lpwKey Key assigned to the specified action. Can be any virtual key code.Note If you use alphabetical keys, you must use uppercase letters for this parameter.


This function is applied to the entire workbook, including all sheets in the control.

To disable the action key, set the wKey parameter to 0.

Note: Spread provides multiple ways to navigate within the control. We recommend that you do not choose a key sequence that duplicates the action keys that Spread uses for navigation. For a list of navigation keys that Spread uses, see Advanced Navigation.

Return Value

TRUE if the function completes successfully; FALSE otherwise.

See Also

Changing or Turning Off the Action Keys

ActiveX Correspondence

SSGetActionKey: GetActionKey method

SSSetActionKey: SetActionKey method

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