Spread 8.0 Documentation
SSGetInteger, SSSetInteger, SSSetIntegerRange Functions
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SSGetInteger, SSSetInteger, SSSetIntegerRange Functions

See Also    ActiveX

Applies To

fpSpread DLL control


Set or return the integer value in a number cell or set the integer value for a block of number cells.



BOOL SSGetInteger(HWND hWnd, SS_COORD Col, SS_COORD Row, LPLONG lplValue);

BOOL SSSetInteger(HWND hWnd, SS_COORD Col, SS_COORD Row, long lValue);

BOOL SSSetIntegerRange(HWND hWnd, SS_COORD Col, SS_COORD Row, SS_COORD Col2, SS_COORD Row2, long lValue);


BOOL TSpread::GetInteger(SS_COORD Col, SS_COORD Row, LPLONG lplValue);

BOOL TSpread::SetInteger(SS_COORD Col, SS_COORD Row, long lValue);

BOOL TSpread::SetIntegerRange(SS_COORD Col, SS_COORD Row, SS_COORD Col2, SS_COORD Row2, long lValue);


The SSGetInteger function has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
hWnd Window handle of the fpSpread control
Col Column number of cell
Row Row number of cell
lplValue Pointer to receive integer value

The SSSetInteger and SSSetIntegerRange functions have the following parameters:

Parameter Description
hWnd Window handle of the fpSpread control
Col Column number of cell or column number of upper-left cell of the block if specifying a block for the SSSetIntegerRange function
Row Row number of cell or row number of upper-left cell of the block if specifying a block for the SSSetIntegerRange function
Col2 Column number of lower-right cell of the block if specifying a block for the SSSetIntegerRange function
Row2 Row number of lower-right cell of the block if specifying a block for the SSSetIntegerRange function
lValue Integer value to set

This function is applied to the current sheet setting unless you first call the SSSetSheet function to specify the sheet for which you are calling this function. To determine the settings you want for the Col, Row, Col2, and Row2 parameters, see Using Column and Row Properties.

If you set the Col or Row parameter to SS_ALLCOLS or SS_ALLROWS to set data for multiple cells or you call the SSSetIntegerRange function, the same data is placed in each cell. If you set the Col or Row parameter to SS_ALLCOLS or SS_ALLROWS to return data from multiple cells, unless the cells were set with the Col or Row parameter set to SS_ALLCOLS or SS_ALLROWS, the function does not return a value.


Use the SSGetInteger function to return the value of a number cell as an integer value. The SSClipOut, SSClipValueOut, SSGetData, and SSGetValue functions return the value in a number cell as a string. For more information about using these properties and methods, see Returning Data.

For the SSGetInteger function, the integer value is returned in the lpdfValue parameter.

Caution: Returning the integer portion of a number cell's value using the SSGetInteger function truncates the decimal portion of the value.

Use the SSSetInteger function to set the value of a number cell using an integer value. The SSClipIn, SSClipValueIn, SSSetData, and SSSetValue functions set the value in a number cell using a string.

Use the SSSetIntegerRange function to specify the integer values for a block of number cells.

Return Value

TRUE if the function completes successfully; FALSE otherwise.

See Also

Adding Data
Returning Data

SSClipIn, SSClipOut, SSClipValueIn, SSClipValueOut, SSGetData, SSGetFloat, SSGetValue, SSSetData, SSSetFloat, SSSetFloatRange, SSSetSheet, SSSetValue, SSSetValueRange functions

ActiveX Correspondence

SSGetInteger: GetInteger method

SSSetInteger: SetInteger method

SSSetIntegerRange: SetInteger method

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