Spread 8.0 Documentation
SpvGetGrayAreaMarginType, SpvSetGrayAreaMarginType Functions
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SpvGetGrayAreaMarginType, SpvSetGrayAreaMarginType Functions

See Also    ActiveX

Applies To

fpSpreadPreview DLL control


Set or return whether the control uses the actual gray area margin settings or scales the settings to optimize the page view.



int SpvGetGrayAreaMarginType(HWND hWnd, short FAR *lpValue);

int SpvSetGrayAreaMarginType(HWND hWnd, short value);


short TPreview::GetGrayAreaMarginType(void);

int TPreview::SetGrayAreaMarginType(short value);


The SpvGetGrayAreaMarginType function has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
hWnd Window handle of the fpSpreadPreview control
lpValue Can be one of the values listed for the value parameter for the SpvSetGrayAreaMarginType function

The SpvSetGrayAreaMarginType function has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
hWnd Window handle of the fpSpreadPreview control
value Specifies how the margin settings are interpreted
Use one of the following values:
Constant Description
SPV_MARGINTYPE_SCALED (Default) Scales the gray area margins to work with the selected page view
SPV_MARGINTYPE_ACTUAL Displays the gray area margins with the actual specified settings


The SpvSetGrayAreaMarginType function specifies whether the control uses the actual gray area margin settings (specified by the SpvSetGrayAreaMarginH and SpvSetGrayAreaMarginV functions), or modifies the settings to optimize the preview area and page views. For example, the user might choose settings that make the page very small in the chosen view. If the value parameter for the SpvSetGrayAreaMarginType function is set to SPV_MARGINTYPE_SCALED, the control scales the settings to maintain the chosen view at the optimum size.

Specify the page view by calling the SpvSetPageViewType and related Page functions.

Return Value

SpvGetGrayAreaMarginType: For C users, 1 if the function completes successfully; 0 otherwise. For C++ users, the setting for the function.
SpvSetGrayAreaMarginType: 1 if the function completes successfully; 0 otherwise.

See Also

SpvGetGrayAreaColor, SpvGetGrayAreaMarginH, SpvGetGrayAreaMarginV, SpvSetGrayAreaColor, SpvSetGrayAreaMarginH, SpvSetGrayAreaMarginV functions

ActiveX Correspondence

GrayAreaMarginType property

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