Spread 8.0 Documentation
SSSetEnhancedCornerColors Function
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SSSetEnhancedCornerColors Function

See Also    ActiveX    Example

Applies To

fpSpread DLL control


Sets the background colors for the corner cell(s) and triangle.



BOOL SSSetEnhancedCornerColors(HWND hWnd, COLORREF clrBackColor, COLORREF clrHoverColor, COLORREF clrTriangle, COLORREF clrTriangleHover, COLORREF clrTriangleBorderColor, COLORREF clrTriangleHoverBorderColor);


BOOL TSpread::SetEnhancedCornerColors(COLORREF clrBackColor, COLORREF clrHoverColor, COLORREF clrTriangle, COLORREF clrTriangleHover, COLORREF clrTriangleBorderColor, COLORREF clrTriangleHoverBorderColor);


The following parameters are available:

Parameter Description
hWnd Window handle of the fpSpread control
clrBackColor Background color of the corner cell
clrHoverColor Background color of the corner cell when the mouse pointer is over the corner cell
clrTriangle Background color of the triangle in the corner cell
clrTriangleHover Background color of the triangle in the corner cell when the mouse pointer is over the triangle
clrTriangleBorderColor Background color of the triangle border
clrTriangleHoverBorderColor Background color of the triangle border when the mouse pointer is over the triangle


This function is applied to the current sheet unless you call the SSSetSheet function to specify the sheet with which you want to work.

The hover color is the color when the mouse pointer is over the corner cell or triangle. The backcolor is the color of the corner cell and the triangle is the triangle in the corner cell. The border is the border around the triangle.

Return Value

TRUE if the function completes successfully; FALSE otherwise.

See Also

Customizing the Appearance

SSSetAppearanceStyle, SSSetSheet functions

ActiveX Correspondence

SetEnhancedCornerColors method

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