Spread 8.0 Documentation
SSGetSheetVisible, SSSetSheetVisible Functions
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SSGetSheetVisible, SSSetSheetVisible Functions

See Also    ActiveX    Example

Applies To

fpSpread DLL control


Sets or returns whether the sheet is visible.



BOOL SSGetSheetVisible(HWND hWnd, short nSheet);

BOOL SSSetSheetVisible(HWND hWnd, short nSheet, BOOL fVisible);


BOOL TSpread::GetSheetVisible(short nSheet);

BOOL TSpread::SetSheetVisible(short nSheet, BOOL fVisible);


The SSGetSheetVisible function has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
hWnd Window handle of the fpSpread control
nSheet Sheet index

The SSSetSheetVisible function has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
hWnd Window handle of the fpSpread control
nSheet Sheet index
BOOL Visible setting


Setting the SSSetSheetVisible function to FALSE hides the tab. The SSSetActiveSheet function can still be set to this sheet in code.

Return Value

SSGetSheetVisible: TRUE if the sheet is visible; FALSE otherwise.
SSSetSheetVisible: Previous visible status of the sheet (TRUE if Visible; FALSE otherwise).

See Also

Working with the Active Sheet

SSGetSheet, SSGetSheetCount, SSSetSheet, SSSetSheetCount functions

ActiveX Correspondence

SheetVisible property

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