Spread 8.0 Documentation
SSIsExcel2007File Function
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SSIsExcel2007File Function

See Also    ActiveX

Applies To

fpSpread DLL control


Returns whether the specified file is an xlsx Excel-formatted file.



short SSIsExcel2007File(LPCTSTR lpszFileName);


short TSpread::IsExcel2007File(LPCTSTR lpszFileName);


The following parameter is available:

Parameter Description
lpszFileName Path and file name of the file for which you want to return the information


Spread can import Excel-formatted files if they are in BIFF8 format or xlsx format. BIFF8 format is the format used for files saved from Excel 97, Excel 2000, and Excel 2002. Call this function to determine whether the file you want to import into Spread is an xlsx Excel-formatted file. See the readme for special redistribution requirements for this function.

For instructions and more information about importing Excel-formatted files, see Loading an Excel-Formatted File and Excel-Formatted File Import/Export (online PDF manual). Excel-Formatted File Import/Export includes a list and description of the log message numbers.

Return Value

Value indicating file type as follows:

Value File Information
0 The file is not an xlsx Excel (SS_ISEXCEL2007FILE_NO).
1 The file is an xlsx Excel file (SS_ISEXCEL2007FILE_YES).
2 The file is encrypted (SS_ISEXCEL2007FILE_ENCRYPTED).

See Also

Loading an Excel-Formatted File
Excel-Formatted File Import/Export (online PDF manual)

SSExportToExcel, SSGetExcelSheetList, SSImportExcelSheet, SSOpenExcel2007File, SSSaveExcel2007File functions

ActiveX Correspondence

IsExcel2007File method

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