Spread 8.0 Documentation
SSGetCustomFunction Function
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SSGetCustomFunction Function

See Also    ActiveX

Applies To

fpSpread DLL control


Returns information about the specified custom function.



BOOL SSGetCustomFunction(HWND hWnd, LPCTSTR lpszFunc, LPSHORT lpnMinParamCnt, LPSHORT lpnMaxParamCnt, LPLONG lplFlags);


BOOL TSpread::GetCustomFunction(LPCTSTR lpszFunc, LPSHORT lpnMinParamCnt, LPSHORT lpnMaxParamCnt, LPLONG lplFlags);


The following parameters are available:

Parameter Description
hWnd Window handle of the fpSpread control
lpszFunc Provide the name of the custom function for which to return information
lpnMinArgs Minimum number of parameters accepted by custom function
If the custom function was originally created with the SSAddCustomFunction function, this value is taken from the ParameterCnt parameter.
If custom function was originally created with the SSAddCustomFunctionExt function, the value is taken from the nMinParamCnt parameter.
lpnMaxArgs Maximum number of parameters accepted by custom function
If the custom function was originally created with the SSAddCustomFunction function, this value is taken from the ParameterCnt parameter.
If custom function was originally created with the SSAddCustomFunctionExt function, the value is taken from the nMaxParamCnt parameter.
lplFlags Requests references instead of cell values
Return Value Description
0 Custom function receives cell value
Custom function could have been created with the SSAddCustomFunction function or the SSAddCustomFunctionExt with lFlags parameter set to 0.
Constant: Not applicable
1 Function receives cell references
Custom function was originally created with the SSAddCustomFunctionExt function
2 Function receives range references
Custom function was originally created with the SSAddCustomFunctionExt function


This function is applied to the entire workbook, including all sheets in the control.

Call the SSEnumCustomFunction function to return the names of the custom functions in the control to supply for the lpszFunc parameter.

Return Value

TRUE if the function completes successfully; FALSE otherwise. Information about the specified custom function is returned in the lpnMinArgs, lpnMaxArgs, and lplFlags parameters.

See Also

SSAddCustomFunction, SSAddCustomFunctionExt, SSEnumCustomFunction, SSEnumCustomFunctionLen, SSRemoveCustomFunction functions

ActiveX Correspondence

GetCustomFunction method

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