Spread 8.0 Documentation
SetIteration Method
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SetIteration Method

See Also    DLL    Example

Applies To

fpSpread control


Sets the number of iterations for circular references.



void CSpreadSheet::SetIteration (BOOL Iteration, short MaxIterations, double MaxChange);

Visual Basic

fpSpread.SetIteration(ByVal Iteration As Boolean, ByVal MaxIterations As Integer, ByVal MaxChange As Double)


The following parameters are available:

Parameter Description
Iteration True if circular references are evaluated; False if circular references are not evaluated
MaxIterations Maximum number of iterations
MaxChange Reserved for future use


The SetIteration method sets iteration options for circular references in formulas. A circular reference occurs when a formula in a cell refers to its own cell. For example, the formula (A1*B1) is circular if it is in cell A1.

This method is applied to the entire workbook, including all sheets in the control.

The iteration process stops after the number of iterations specified by the MaxIterations parameter.

Spread Designer

Choose the Calculation menu, the Iteration menu, and then the Iteration tab, and then select the AllowIterations check box and type a value in the Maximum Iterations edit box in the Calculation Settings dialog box.

Parameter Items on Iteration tab
Iteration Allow Iterations check box
MaxIterations Maximum Iterations box

Return Type


See Also

Using Circular References in Formulas

GetIteration method

DLL Correspondence

SSSetIteration function

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