Spread 8.0 Documentation
ResetSheet Method
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ResetSheet Method

See Also    DLL    Example

Applies To

fpSpread control


Clears and resets the specified sheet to the default settings.



BOOL CSpreadSheet::ResetSheet(short Sheet);

Visual Basic

fpSpread1.ResetSheet(ByVal Sheet as Integer) As Boolean


The following parameter is available:

Parameter Description
Sheet Sheet index of sheet to be reset


Call the ResetSheet method to clear the data and formatting from the specified sheet, including cell notes and formulas. It also clears the font settings.

If you want to reset the control to clear all its data and delete all sheets except Sheet 1, call the Reset method. If you want to clear data from a range of cells, call the ClearRange method.

Return Type

True if the sheet is reset; otherwise, False.

See Also

Resetting a Sheet to its Default Settings

ClearRange, Reset methods

DLL Correspondence

SSResetSheet function

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