Spread 8.0 Documentation
GetCustomRenderer Method
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GetCustomRenderer Method

See Also    DLL

Applies To

fpSpread control


Returns the renderer control.



Variant CSpreadSheet::GetCustomRenderer(LPCTSTR Name, Long Style);

Visual Basic

fpSpread.GetCustomRenderer(ByVal Name As String, ByVal Style As Long) As Variant


The following parameter is available:

Parameter Description
Name Name of editor control
Style Style of editor control


You can use this method to return the renderer control for the specified custom cell type name and style.Cells using the same custom cell type and style share the same renderer control. If the renderer control for the specified custom cell type and style has not been created yet, and the custom cell uses a renderer control, then using this method will cause the CTCreateRendererControl event to fire to create the instance. If the specified custom cell is not valid or if the custom cell does not use a renderer control, then this method will return an empty value.

This method returns information for the entire workbook, including all sheets in the control.

Return Type


See Also

QueryCustomName, SetCustomName methods

DLL Correspondence

SSGetCustomRenderer function

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