Spread 8.0 Documentation
SSComboBoxSendMessage Function
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Glossary Item Box

SSComboBoxSendMessage Function

See Also    ActiveX

Applies To

fpSpread DLL control


Specifies the coordinates of the combo box cell that is to receive a message from the application.



LRESULT SSComboBoxSendMessage(HWND hWnd, SS_COORD Col, SS_COORD Row, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);


LRESULT TSpread::ComboBoxSendMessage(SS_COORD Col, SS_COORD Row, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);


The following parameters are available:

Parameter Description
hWnd Window handle of the fpSpread control
Col Column number of cell sending message
Row Row number of cell sending message
Msg A message listed in the messages table in the Remarks section
wParam Varies depending on the specific message
lParam Varies depending on the specific message


This function is applied to the current sheet setting unless you first call the SSSetSheet function to specify the sheet for which you are calling this function.

Use this function to send a message to a combo box cell. The Col and Row parameters specify the coordinates of the cell that receives the message.

The cell can receive one of the following messages. After each message, the wParam and lParam descriptions provide the values you can use in the SSComboBoxSendMessage function. The table also provides the return value for each message.

Message Description
SS_CBM_ADDSTRING Adds a string to the end of the list
wParam Not used
lParam Pointer to NULL-terminated string
Return Always 0
SS_CBM_DELETESTRING Deletes a string from the list
wParam Index of string to be deleted
lParam Not used
Return Always 0
SS_CBM_GETCOUNT Returns the number of items in the list
wParam Not used
lParam Not used
Return Number of items in the list
SS_CBM_GETCURSEL Returns the index of the currently selected item
wParam Not used
lParam Not used
Return Index of selected item
(Returns –1 if no item is currently selected.)
SS_CBM_GETLBTEXT Copies a string from the list into a buffer
wParam Index of string to be copied
lParam Pointer to buffer to receive string
Return Length of returned string
SS_CBM_GETLBTEXTLEN Returns the length of a string in the list
wParam Index of string
lParam Not used
Return Length of string
SS_CBM_INSERTSTRING Inserts a string into the list
wParam Index of position to place string
(Specify –1 for string to be added to the end.)
lParam Pointer to NULL-terminated string
Return Index of inserted string
(Returns –1 if an error occurs.)
SS_CBM_RESETCONTENT Removes all strings from the list
wParam Not used
lParam Not used
Return Always 0
SS_CBM_SETCURSEL Specifies the index of the item to be selected in the list
(Specify –1 if no items are to be selected.)
wParam Item index
lParam Not used
Return Zero when successful; –1 when fails
SS_CBM_SETLIST Specifies the items for the drop-down list
wParam Item index
lParam Pointer to a tab-delimited string
(The string should contain the list to appear in the drop-down list)
Return Always 0

Return Value

Return value depends on the message sent (see the preceding messages table).

See Also

SSGetCellType, SSSetCellType, SSSetSheet, SSSetTypeComboBox functions

ActiveX Correspondence

TypeComboBoxCount, TypeComboBoxCurSel, TypeComboBoxString properties
TypeComboBoxClear, TypeComboBoxRemoveItem methods

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