Spread 8.0 Documentation
SSGetClipboardOptions, SSSetClipboardOptions Functions
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SSGetClipboardOptions, SSSetClipboardOptions Functions

See Also    ActiveX

Applies To

fpSpread DLL control


Set or return whether headers are included when data is copied to or pasted from the Clipboard.



WORD SSGetClipboardOptions(HWND hWnd);

WORD SSSetClipboardOptions(HWND hWnd, WORD wOptions);


WORD TSpread::GetClipboardOptions( );

WORD TSpread::SetClipboardOptions(WORD wOptions);


The following parameters are available:

Parameter Description
hWnd Window handle of the fpSpread control
wOptions Specifies whether headers are copied and pasted in Clipboard operations
You can use the (|) OR operator to combine the following values:
Value Constant Description
0 SS_CLIP_NOHEADERS Neither column nor row headers are included when data is copied; pasting does not overwrite selected column or row headers
1 SS_CLIP_COPYROWHEADERS Selected row headers are included when data is copied
2 SS_CLIP_PASTEROWHEADERS Pasting overwrites selected row headers
4 SS_CLIP_COPYCOLHEADERS Selected column headers are included when data is copied
8 SS_CLIP_PASTECOLHEADERS Pasting overwrites selected column headers
15 SS_CLIP_COPYPASTEALLHEADERS (Default) Selected headers are included when data is copied. Pasting overwrites selected headers.


This function is applied to the entire workbook, including all sheets in the control.

If you call the SSSetClipboardOptions function and set the wOptions parameter to SS_CLIP_COPYROWHEADERS, SS_CLIP_COPYCOLHEADERS, SS_CLIP_COPYPASTEALLHEADERS, or any value that combines one of these values with others, when the user copies data that includes selected column or row headers, the data in the column or row headers is also copied to the Clipboard.

If you call the SSSetClipboardOptions function and set the wOptions parameter to SS_CLIP_PASTEROWHEADERS, SS_CLIP_PASTECOLHEADERS, SS_CLIP_COPYPASTEALLHEADERS, or any value that combines one of these values with others, when the user pastes data from the Clipboard, if the block to be pasted to includes column or row headers, the text in the column or row headers is overwritten by the pasted data. The pasted data overrides the text displayed as specified by the SSSetRowHeaderDisplay function, or any other text specified for the column or row headers.

Note: The default numbers or letters displayed in the column and row headers behave differently than other text displayed in the headers. If the user copies the default numbers or letters, then pastes them (and the SSSetClipboardOptions function is set to allow copying and pasting of headers), the pasted numbers or letters overwrite text in the headers but do not overwrite other numbers text. The pasted numbers or letters then change to correct the sequence of cell headers. If the user copies then pastes text other than the default numbers or letters in a header, that text overrides other text or default numbers or letters.

Users can copy and paste data to and from the Clipboard using the Clipboard shortcut keys if the SSB_AUTOCLIPBOARD boolean for the SSSetBool function is set to True. Alternatively, users can copy and paste data by calling the SSClipboardCopy or the SSClipboardPaste function.

Return Value

SSGetClipboardOptions: Returns the current setting.
SSSetClipboardOptions: Returns the previous setting.

See Also

Copying Data Using the Clipboard
Moving Data Using the Clipboard

SSClipboardCopy, SSClipboardPaste, SSSetBool, SSSetColHeaderDisplay, SSSetRowHeaderDisplay functions

ActiveX Correspondence

ClipboardOptions property

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