Spread 8.0 Documentation
OLESetData Event
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OLESetData Event

See Also

Applies To

fpSpread and fpSpreadPreview controls


Occurs at the drag-drop source control when the drop target requests data that was not provided to the fpDataObject.


Visual Basic

Sub fpSpread_OLESetData(Data As fpDataObject, DataFormat As Integer)

Sub fpSpreadPreview_OLESetData(Data As fpDataObject, DataFormat As Integer)


The following parameters are available:

Parameter Description
Data fpDataObject that is requesting the data
DataFormat Format of the data the control is requesting as specified in the OLEStartDrag event


This event is initiated when the target control requests data and the fpDataObject does not have data for that format because delayed rendering was used in the OLEStartDrag event.

The OLESetData event allows the source to provide the data using delayed rendering. The advantage of delayed rendering is that the data transfer does not actually take place until the target control requests data for a particular format by calling the GetData method of the fpDataObject.

See Also

ScriptEnhanced property

OLECompleteDrag, OLEStartDrag, OLEGiveFeedback events

OLEDrag, GetData, SetData methods

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