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Formula Reference > Built-In Functions > NPER

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Number of periods


Returns the number of periods for an investment based on a present value, future value, periodic payments, and a specified interest rate.


NPER(Rate, Pmt, Pv, Fv, Type)


Arguments are as follows:

Argument Description
Rate Interest rate expressed as percentage (per period)
Pmt Payment made each period; cannot change over life of the annuity
Pv Present value
Fv (Optional) Future value
If omitted, it is assumed to be 0.
Type (Optional) Indicates when payments are due
If omitted, it is assumed that the payments are made at the end of the period.
Set Type equal to If payments are due
0 At the end of the period
1 At the beginning of the period

Note: You must specify a value for the Fv argument if you are going to specify a value for the Type argument.

Be sure to express the interest rate as per period. For example, if you make monthly payments on a loan at 8 percent interest, use 0.08/12 for the Rate argument.

For all the arguments, money paid out such as deposits in an investment, is represented by negative numbers; money you receive, such as dividend checks, is represented by positive numbers.

See the PV function for the formula used to calculate financial values.

See also FV, PMT, PV.

Data Type

Accepts numeric data for all arguments. Returns numeric data. For more information, see Data Type for Each Cell Type.



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