GrapeCity MultiRow Windows Forms Documentation
User-defined Word Wrap

In MultiRow, you can customize the word wrapping position of the content in the cell, by recognizing a specified number of characters, or double byte numbers, as one word.

You can customize the behavior of word wrap, by creating a class that implements the ICustomWordWrapProvider interface.

Word Wrap by Number of Characters

Word Wrap by Number of Characters

Using Code

The following code creates a class that implements the ICustomWordWrapProvider interface, which specifies the word wrap position by number of characters.


Imports GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow 
Public Class MyWordWrap Implements ICustomWordWrapProvider 
Public Function GetWordUnits(text As String) As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of WordWrapUnit) Implements ICustomWordWrapProvider.GetWordUnits 
Dim list As New List(Of WordWrapUnit)() 
If text = "abcde,fghij" Then 
list.Add(New WordWrapUnit(0, 3)) 
list.Add(New WordWrapUnit(3, 8)) 
End If 
Return list 
End Function 
End Class


using GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow; 
public class MyWordWrap : ICustomWordWrapProvider 
public IEnumerable<WordWrapUnit> GetWordUnits(string text) 
list = new List<WordWrapUnit>(); 
if (text == "abcde,fghij") 
list.Add(new WordWrapUnit(0, 3)); 
list.Add(new WordWrapUnit(3, 8)); 
return list; 

Set the CellStyle.CustomWordWrapProvider property to the class that implements the ICustomWordWrapProvider interface.

Using Code

You need to perform the following steps to enable this feature.


GcMultiRow1(0, 0).Style.UseCompatibleTextRendering = MultiRowTriState.True 
GcMultiRow1(0, 0).Style.WordWrap = MultiRowTriState.True 
GcMultiRow1(0, 0).Style.Multiline = MultiRowTriState.True 
GcMultiRow1(0, 0).Style.CustomWordWrapProvider = New MyWordWrap()


gcMultiRow1[0, 0].Style.UseCompatibleTextRendering = MultiRowTriState.True; 
gcMultiRow1[0, 0].Style.WordWrap = MultiRowTriState.True; 
gcMultiRow1[0, 0].Style.Multiline = MultiRowTriState.True; 
gcMultiRow1[0, 0].Style.CustomWordWrapProvider = new MyWordWrap();
See Also



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