GrapeCity MultiRow Windows Forms Documentation
Breaking Changes from 6.0

This section describes the changes from the previous version (MultiRow for Windows Forms 6.0).

Operating Environments

For 7.0, operation in the following environments is not guaranteed:

* In MultiRow 7.0, version 3.5 SP1 or later of the .NET Framework is required.

If you need to use the above environment, consider using 6.0.

MultiRow 7.0 works in the following environments.

The MultiRow for Windows Forms 6.0 license is not included in this product.

MultiRow 7.0 SP2 and later works in the following environment.

Automatic Resizing

If you set the GcMultiRow.AllowUserToAutoFitColumns property to True, you can change the size of the cell to the optimal width by double-clicking on the bottom or right edge of the header cell.

If you want to allow resizing of cells, but restrict the operation of automatic adjustment of the size of the cell by double-clicking the header cell, you can set the GcMultiRow.AllowUserToAutoFitColumns property to False.

ScrollBarMode Property

In 6.0, you could set the display method for both the horizontal and vertical scroll bars using the ScrollBarMode property, but in 7.0, you can use the HorizontalScrollBarMode property and the VerticalScrollBarMode property, to set the display method for the horizontal scroll bar and the vertical scroll bar.

Though you can continue to use the existing ScrollBarMode property without any change in the operation, it is recommended that you use the HorizontalScrollBarMode and VerticalScrollBarMode properties.

Gradation Settings

In 6.0, you could set the background gradation using the CellStyle.GradientColors property, but in 7.0 you can set it using the CellStyle.BackgroundGradientEffect property.

Using Code

The following code sets the background gradation.


Imports GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow 
        Dim textBoxCell1 = New TextBoxCell() 
        textBoxCell1.Style.BackgroundGradientEffect = New GradientEffect(New Color() {Color.White, Color.Pink}, 
        _ GradientStyle.Horizontal, GradientDirection.Forward) 
        GcMultiRow1.Template = Template.CreateGridTemplate(New Cell() {textBoxCell1}) 
        GcMultiRow1.RowCount = 10 
        GcMultiRow1.Rows(1).Cells(0).Style.BackgroundGradientEffect = New GradientEffect(
_ New Color() {Color.White, Color.Pink}, GradientStyle.Vertical, GradientDirection.Backward)


using GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow; 
        TextBoxCell textBoxCell1 = new TextBoxCell(); 
        textBoxCell1.Style.BackgroundGradientEffect = new GradientEffect(new Color[] { Color.White, Color.Pink }, 
GradientStyle.Horizontal, GradientDirection.Forward); gcMultiRow1.Template = Template.CreateGridTemplate(new Cell[] { textBoxCell1 }); gcMultiRow1.RowCount = 10; gcMultiRow1.Rows[1].Cells[0].Style.BackgroundGradientEffect = new GradientEffect( new Color[]
{ Color.White, Color.Pink }, GradientStyle.Vertical, GradientDirection.Backward);

MoveStatus Property

In 7.0 the MoveStatus property for retrieving the method used to move cells has been added. The MoveStatus property can be used in the following events.

To use the MoveStatus property in the GcMultiRow.CellEnter, GcMultiRow.CellLeave, GcMultiRow.CellBeginEdit, and GcMultiRow.CellEndEdit events, you need to use the CellMoveEventArgs class in the event arguments. To ensure compatibility the CellEventArgs class is defined by default. Convert the CellEventArgs class to the CellMoveEventArgs class to use the MoveStatus property.

For details, refer to Retrieving the Method Used to Move Cells.

Border Style Hair

In 6.0, the border style Hair is displayed in the same way as the Dashed style, but in 7.0 the border style Hair is displayed correctly. To ensure compatibility, Hair is displayed in the same style as in 6.0 by default. Set the following definition in the application configuration file, if you want to display Hair in the correct border style.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <add key="GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow.GcMultiRow.UseLineStyleHair" value="False"/>

BackColor and ForeColor of Cell During Editing

In 7.0, the CellStyle.EditingBackColor and CellStyle.EditingForeColor properties for setting the background and foreground colors of the cell during editing have been added.

To ensure compatibility with 6.0, the CellStyle.EditingForeColor and CellStyle.EditingBackColor properties are set to Color.Empty by default.

Style of the Selected Cell

In 7.0, the GcMultiRow.RenderSelectionMode property provides the ability to specify whether to render disabled cells or cells that cannot be selected in a selected range in the selection color of the cell.

To ensure compatibility with 6.0, by default the GcMultiRow.RenderSelectionMode property is set to Default due to which disabled cells or cells that cannot be selected are not rendered in the selection color. To render them in the selected color, you need to set it to AllCells.

Selecting the Section by Clicking the Blank Area

In 7.0, if you set the GcMultiRow.SelectRowWhenClickBlankArea property to True, you can select a section by clicking on a blank area of that section.

To ensure compatibility with 6.0, the GcMultiRow.SelectRowWhenClickBlankArea property is set to False by default, and the section is not selected when you click on a blank area of that section.

Data Binding in the Column Header Section

In 6.0, because data binding in the column header section was not supported, the value is not set, even if you have specified the name of a data source field to be bound in the Cell.DataField property of a cell placed in the column header section. In 7.0, because data binding in the column header section is supported, the value of a datasource field to be bound can be set in the cell.

Even in 7.0, if you want the same implementation as 6.0, where the value of a datasource field to be bound cannot be set in cells placed in the column header section, you can manually delete the value set in the Cell.DataField property.



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