ComponentOne True DBInput Pro 8.0
ShowTrailing Property (TDBCalendar)

When the ShowTrailing property is set to True, days trailing from the previous month and days beginning for the next month will be displayed in the calendar month. Note that the ShowTrailing property will take effect on the first and last calendar month displayed in the control; trailing days will not be displayed for days that come in between.


TDBCalendar.ShowTrailing= boolean

Read/Write at run time and design time.


True - Show trailing days (Default)

False – Do not show trailing days


How the trailing dates should be displayed can be specified by using the TrailAttribute property. An attribute style (bold, text color etc) for the trailing days should be registered to the AttribStylesCollection, and then referenced through the TrailAttribute property using a key.

When the TrailAttribute property is a null, the calendar control will automatically reference default styles registered in the AttribStylesCollection.

There will be times when a full trailing week row appears before the actual calendar month. For example, the month February of 1998 starts on a Sunday and only has 28 days. When the EmptyRows property is set to 0- Start with empty row, the trailing days of the January month will be displayed.



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