ComponentOne True DBInput Pro 8.0
SelectStyle Property (Calendar)


Reference> Calendar Object> Calendar Object Properties> SelectStyle Property (Calendar)

SelectStyle Property (Calendar)


object.SelectStyle= value

Read/Write at run time and design time.


Design Time

Run Time

0 - Normal (Default)


1 - Flat Button



Sets/returns the appearance of the selector style of the drop down calendar. The settings of this property provide interface styles for the selectors in the drop down calendar. By default, the buttons will be displayed in the Windows standard style with a focus rectangle, and the selector background and text colors will be inherited from the system settings.

If set to 1-Flat Button, the selector behaves just like the buttons that appear in the Office97 toolbars. The selector appears as soon as the user moves the mouse over the calendar days. Non-white colors are recommended for the background color of the calendar with this style.

Selector background and the text color will be picked up from the DayBackColor, DayForeColor, SundayColor, SaturdayColor, HolidayColor, TrailColor properties.



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