ComponentOne True DBInput Pro 8.0
DayForeColor Property (Calendar)


Reference> Calendar Object> Calendar Object Properties> DayForeColor Property (Calendar)

DayForeColor Property (Calendar)


object.DayForeColor= color

Read/Write at run time and design time.


&H80000008 - Window Text color is the default


This property is used to set the text color for only the regular working days in the day area, which does not include the Sundays, Saturdays, Trailing days, or Holidays. Colors may be specified as RGB values or system default colors.

See Also

SundayColor Property (Calendar)

SaturdayColor Property (Calendar)

HolidayColor Property (Calendar)

TrailColor Property (Calendar)

TitleForeColor Property (Calendar)

WeekForeColor Property (Calendar)



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