ComponentOne True DBInput Pro 8.0
Hour12Mode Property (TDBTime)


Reference> TDBTime Control> TDBTime Control Properties> Hour12Mode Property (TDBTime)

Hour12Mode Property (TDBTime)

Sets/returns a value to determine the range of time values that can be entered in the 12-hour format.


object.Hour12Mode= value

Read/Write at run time. Not available at design time.


Design Time

Run Time

0 - Hour 12 as 0 (Default)


1 - Hour 0 as 12



If the Hour12Mode property is to 0, the control limits the user when entering time values that are larger or smaller than 00:00:00 - 11:59:59. If set to 1, the control allows entry only from 01:00:00 - 12:59:59. This property can affect the Hour, Text and DisplayText properties when either the Format or the DisplayFormat is set to the 12-hour format ("hh:nn:ss AM/PM").

Refer to the AMPM property to determine A.M. or P.M. for the time set for the underlying value.

See Also

AMPM Property (TDBDateX)

DisplayFormat Property (TDBTime)

DisplayText Property (TDBTime)

Hour Property (TDBDateX)

Hour Property (TDBTime)



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