ComponentOne Query 8.0
General Appearance/Behavior Features

The standard Border, BackColor, ForeColor, Font properties define the control’s colors, font and border. These are only the basic display properties. Much more powerful customization features are available in C1QueryFrame in the form of templates that allow you to customize every possible display aspect of the control, and more. See Customizing the UI with Templates for details.

The standard Enabled property works as with all other controls, it disables/enables user interaction with the control.

The FullFieldNames property set to True makes the control show folder fields with full dot-separated folder path. (C1Query.PathSeparator is used instead of dot, if set by the programmer).

The TabInQuery property specifies whether the TAB key navigates between controls (default) or between query item elements.

The AfterRender event occurs when the control’s contents is rendered (displayed), at startup and after every change made to the control’s contents (as a result of user interaction or calling the Render method). This event is necessary mainly because the Render method works asynchronously: when you call Render, it returns immediately without actually repainting the control’s surface. If you need to perform some action after the control has been repainted, use the AfterRender event.

The DebugContextMenu property (default: False) allows you to disable the control’s context menu and enable the browser’s standard context menu. It can be useful for debug purposes, for example when you want to examine the HTML source shown by the control.

A C1QueryFrame control also fires the standard mouse and keyboard events: Click, DblCLick, MouseMove, MouseDown, MouseUp, KeyDown, KeyPress, KeyUp.



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