ComponentOne Chart 8.0 for ActiveX
Using a Time-Axis


Using a Time-Axis

Also, see Axis Annotation Overview.

2D Chart enables you to draw charts displaying data that changes over time. To do this, specify that the X-axis is to be treated as a time dimension by setting the properties of the TimeScaleobject (which is accessible via the Axisobject representing the X-axis).

The following TimeScale properties define a Time-axis:

·      The Base property specifies the starting point of the Time-axis. Its value is a standard OLE Date value.

·      The Unit property specifies the unit of time used in the Time-axis.

For example, the following statement sets the starting point to January 15, 1985:

Chart2D1.ChartArea.Axes("X").TimeScale.Base = #1/15/85#

And the following sets the starting point to the current time in Visual Basic:

Chart2D1.ChartArea.Axes("X").TimeScale.Base = Now

Date Methods



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