ComponentOne Chart 8.0 for ActiveX
Axis Annotation Overview


Axis Annotation Overview

The annotation along each axis is an extremely important part of any chart. The 2D chart can annotate any axis with numbers based on the data (Values) or with text you supply that is displayed at axis coordinates (ValueLabels). The X-axis can also be annotated with text for each point in the data (PointLabels) or with automatically-generated time values (TimeLabels). Time labels are only available on the X-axis – not the Y-axes because the values are generally plotted with time as the independent variable.

Whatever annotation method you choose for each axis, the chart goes to considerable effort to automatically produce the most natural annotation possible, even as chart data changes. You can change annotation properties to fine-tune this process.

Values Annotation

ValueLabels Annotation

PointLabels Annotation (X-axis only)

TimeLabels Annotation (X-axis only)

ValuesEvent Annotation

TimeLabelsEvent Annotation (X-axis only)

Choose the Annotation Method



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