ComponentOne Chart 8.0 for ActiveX
Time Format


Time Format

Use the Format property to specify what text to display at each annotation point. Its IsDefault property allows the chart to automatically determine an appropriate format based on the Unit property and the data, so you often do not need to customize the format.

Format specifies a time format. You build a time format using special format codes. The chart displays only the parts of the date/time specified by Format. The following lists all of the valid format codes:


Weekday name, abbreviated


Weekday name


Month name, abbreviated


Month name


Appropriate date/time representation


Day of month (01 to 31)


Hour (0 to 23)


Hour (0 to 12)


Day number of year (001 to 366)


Month number (01 to 12)


Minute of hour (00 to 59)


AM or PM


Seconds (00 to 61)


Week number of year (00 to 53), Sunday first day of week 1


Weekday number (0 to 6), Sunday = 0


Week number of year (00 to 53), Monday first day of week 1


Appropriate date representation


Appropriate time representation


Year number within century (00 to 99)




Time zone (shows nothing if time zone not known)

All TimeLabels properties are located on their own dialog on the Annotation Tab (Axes) on the Property Pages. Set AnnotationMethod to TimeLabels for the X-axis and click the button beside that property to display the dialog.



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