ComponentOne Chart 8.0 for ActiveX
Scientific Notation Format


Scientific Notation Format

Use the ScientificObject to determine how this ValueFormat appears. The Scientific format converts values to scientific notation and places an E in front of the exponent. The default format code is:


·      Use the DecimalPlaces property to set the maximum number of decimal places to display.

·      Use the UseSmallExponent property to display the exponent as a superscript without the E/e.

·      Multipliers, commas and percent signs are ignored with Scientific notation.


·      With scientific notation, using an E- or e- converts values to scientific notation and places a minus sign in front of negative exponents. Using E+ or e+ converts values to scientific notation, places a minus sign in front of negative exponents, and a plus sign in front of positive exponents.

·      Each custom format string can have up to 3 sections (not including sections for specific ranges)- one each for positive values, negative values and zeros, in that order. Each section in the string should be separated by a semi-colon.



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