Wizard for ASP.NET WebForms
Removing Step Headers
Task-Based Help > Changing Appearance > Removing Step Headers

You can remove step headers by setting the ShowStepHeader property to False.

In Design View

Complete the following steps:

  1. Click the smart tag  Description: D:\Whidbey\T211\Projects - ASP Wijmo\Wijmo_C1Wizard\Word Documents\CommonGraphics\SmartTag.png to open the C1Wizard Tasks menu. Select C1Wizard.SmartTag.Designer.
    The C1Wizard Designer Form dialog box opens.
  2. In the treeview, select the C1Wizard control at the top of the hierarchy ("C1Wizard1", by default) to access its list of properties.
  3. In the properties grid, set the ShowStepHeader property to False.

In Source View

Add ShowStepHeader="False" to the <cc1:C1Wizard> tag so that the markup appears as follows:

<cc1:C1Wizard ID="C1Wizard1" runat="server" ShowStepHeader="False">

In Code View

In Code view, add the following code to the Page_Load event:

To write code in Visual Basic

Visual Basic
Copy Code
C1Wizard1.ShowStepHeader = False

To write code in C#

Copy Code
C1Wizard1.ShowStepHeader = false;
See Also