ComponentOne TabStrip for ASP.NET AJAX: C1TabStrip Elements

C1TabStrip Elements

A tabstrip is a user interface used for navigation. Essentially, a tabstrip is a menu that consists of a series of tabs laid out on a strip.



The tabstrip is the container that hosts the tabs of the C1TabStrip control. It is represented by the C1TabStrip class, which determines the overarching appearance and behavior of the control; it's from the C1TabStrip class that you can set the VisualStyle, Alignment, Direction, and ScrollSettings for the control. 

A C1TabStrip can be aligned vertically or horizontally. 


Tabs are the individual menu elements within the tabstrip; the tabs are represented by the C1Tab class. The tabs have three states: normal, selected, and hover. A tab is "normal" when it is unselected and "selected" if it has focus. Tabs are only in "hover" state when a user mouses over them. 

The tab object (C1Tab) only represents the tab; it does not represent the content that is attached to the tab. Tabs can be associated with web page content or with one page of a C1MultiPage control. For information on assigning content to tabs, see Using a C1TabStrip for Website Navigation and Using a C1TabStrip for C1MultiPage Navigation.


By default, the text labels are named "Tab[#]". For example, the first tab you add will be named "Tab1", whereas the second tab will be named "Tab2".  You can reset the label using the Text property.

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