ComponentOne Scheduler for WinForms
Customizing Printing and Previewing
Scheduler for WinForms Task-Based Help > Customizing Printing and Previewing

The following topics detail how to customize printing and previewing in Scheduler for WinForms. Print Preview in C1Schedule is enabled on adding C1.Win.C1RibbonPreview.4 and C1.Win.C1Ribbon.4 assemblies in the project references. For information about printing at run time see Printing and Previewing Data.

Note: C1Scheduler also supports old C1.C1Report and C1.Win.C1Report assemblies for print preview. It is recommended to use the C1.Win.C1RibbonPreview.4 and C1.Win.C1Ribbon.4 assemblies to get Ribbon print preview look and feel.
See Also