LightSwitch HTML Edition
Events Calendar
Member Of Wijmo Collection Control
Base Control wijevcal
Description Creates a schedule for managing a list of appointments.
Usage Apply to a collection with at least three entity properties. The first two properties are DateTime values representing an appointment’s start and end time, respectively. The third property is a string value used to label an appointment in the events calendar.
Generated Code
Copy Code
myapp.ScreenName.EntityName_render = function (element, contentItem) {

    $.wijmo.wijcalendar.prototype.options.wijCSS.stateDefault = "ui-btn-up-a";
    $.wijmo.wijcalendar.prototype.options.wijCSS.content = "ui-body ui-body-a";

    var div = $("<div/>");
    div.attr("style", "width: 800px; height: 640px");

    contentItem.dataBind("value.isLoaded", function (newValue) {
        if (newValue) {
                timeInterval: 60,
                timeIntervalHeight: 20,
                viewType: "day"

            $(".wijmo-wijev-headerbar .wijmo-wijev-tools").controlgroup("refresh");

            contentItem.value.oncollectionchange = function (a) {
                var calendar = c1ls.getCalendarContent(div, contentItem), timer;

                function refresh() {
                    if (":visible")) {
                        div.wijevcal("option", "beforeEditEventDialogShow", calendar.Select);
                        div.wijevcal("option", "eventsData", calendar.Events);

                if (a.detail.action === "refresh") {
                    timer = setInterval(refresh, 100);



The first two lines ensure that the appropriate color swatches are used in both light and dark themes.

This widget specifies an initial width and height for optimal rendering on tablet or desktop devices. If desired, change the default width (800px) and height (640px) of the generated DOM element.

This widget will not fully render until the screen collection to which it is bound is loaded (that is, when the oncollectionchange event fires). If the underlying query is re-executed with different sort or filter criteria, then the widget will re-render accordingly. The final line of code calls the c1ls.renderControl method to ensure proper rendering in tabs and popups, and to handle collections that have already been loaded.

The utility method c1ls.getCalendarContent parses the child properties defined in the screen designer and returns an object used to initialize the wijevcal control. This object has the following properties:

See Also



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