ComponentOne DataObjects for .NET
Cardinality Property (ViewRelation)

C1.Data.2 Assembly > C1.Data.SchemaObjects Namespace > ViewRelation Class : Cardinality Property
Gets view relation cardinality, which is determined by the relation cardinality with possible inversion.
Public ReadOnly Property Cardinality As RelationCardinalityEnum
public RelationCardinalityEnum Cardinality {get;}
A view relation, as an arc in the data set diagram, can have direction opposite to the direction of the table relation on which it is based. For example, having a one-to-many relation Customers - Orders, we can create a many-to-one view relation Orders - Customers, based on Customers - Orders, but in inverse order (direction). So, if the Relation object Customers - Orders has Parent = Customers, Child = Orders, the view relation, if inverted, will have Parent = Orders, Child = Customers.
See Also


ViewRelation Class
ViewRelation Members
View Relations