Insert tab consists of several fields which can be inserted while designing a report. Each field button creates a field and initializes its properties. The Insert tab consists of two groups:
Fields group: It consists of the following items:
Subsection group: It consists of the following items:
- Add: Adds a sub-section at the bottom of the current section.
- Remove: Removes the currently selected sub-section.
- Move Up: Moves the currently selected sub-section upward, jumping one sub-section at a time.
- Move Down: Moves the currently selected sub-section downward, jumping one sub-section at a time.
Custom Fields group: It consists of the following items:
- SuperLabel: Creates a field that renders HTML formatted text. The text property of the field is set to any HTML text that is required to be rendered.
- Map: Creates a field that displays a region of earth, i.e., a map. See Maps in Reports for more information.
For more information on adding fields to your report, see Adding FlexReport Fields and Adding FlexReport Custom Fields.