ActiveReports.Web Request technical support
ViewerType Property
See Also  Example

Determines the type of viewer that will be used to show the report in the client machine's browser.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Property ViewerType As ViewerType
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As WebViewer
Dim value As ViewerType
instance.ViewerType = value
value = instance.ViewerType
public ViewerType ViewerType {get; set;}


C#Copy Code
private void cboViewerType_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// Set the Viewer Type from the dropdown list to the ActiveReports WebViewer
string selection = this.cboViewerType.Items[this.cboViewerType.SelectedIndex].Text;
switch (selection)
case "AcrobatReader":  //Acrobat Reader was chosen as the viewer type
this.arvWebMain.ViewerType = DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Web.ViewerType.AcrobatReader;
case "ActiveXViewer":  //ActiveX was chosen as the viewer type
this.arvWebMain.ViewerType = DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Web.ViewerType.ActiveXViewer;
case "HtmlViewer":  //HTML Viewer was chosen as the viewer type
this.arvWebMain.ViewerType = DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Web.ViewerType.HtmlViewer;
case "RawHtml":  //Raw HTML was chosen as the viewer type
this.arvWebMain.ViewerType = DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Web.ViewerType.RawHtml;
Visual BasicCopy Code
Private Sub cboViewerType_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboViewerType.SelectedIndexChanged
    ' Set the Viewer Type from the dropdown list to the ActiveReports WebViewer
    Dim selection As String = Me.cboViewerType.Items(Me.cboViewerType.SelectedIndex).Text
    Select Case selection
        Case "AcrobatReader" 'Acrobat Reader was chosen as the viewer type
            Me.arvWebMain.ViewerType = DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Web.ViewerType.AcrobatReader
        Case "ActiveXViewer" 'ActiveX was chosen as the viewer type
            Me.arvWebMain.ViewerType = DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Web.ViewerType.ActiveXViewer
        Case "HtmlViewer" 'HTML Viewer was chosen as the viewer type
            Me.arvWebMain.ViewerType = DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Web.ViewerType.HtmlViewer
        Case "RawHtml" 'Raw HTML was chosen as the viewer type
            Me.arvWebMain.ViewerType = DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Web.ViewerType.RawHtml
    End Select
End Sub 'cboViewerType_SelectedIndexChanged

See Also