ActiveReports.Web Request technical support
WebViewer Class
See Also  Members  

The ActiveReports viewer for ASP.NET Web Forms. In addition to providing an easy way to deploy and view reports under ASP.NET, this control provides report caching functionality that reduces the number of times a report executes per user session as the user navigates between pages in the report document.

Object Model


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Class WebViewer 
   Inherits WebControl
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As WebViewer
public class WebViewer : WebControl 


Implements INamingContainer (a marker interface with no members) so that contained controls are in a new namespace in which all child control ID attributes are guaranteed to be unique within an entire application.  You can add controls to this control, and they'll always get a unique name on the client.

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also