ActiveReports.Web Request technical support
OutputFormat Enumeration
See Also  

An enumeration of output formats available with the WebViewer control.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Enum OutputFormat 
   Inherits Enum
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As OutputFormat
public enum OutputFormat : Enum 


PdfPortable Document Format (PDF). Good for printing and exact WYSIWYG layout.
HtmlBrowser compatible HTML Format.
Rdf2ActiveReports 2.0 (COM) native file format. This format is used with the ActiveReports ActiveX Viewer control. It provides precise output, and the comprehensive ActiveReports features (such as table of contents and hyperlinks).
Rdf3ActiveReports.NET native file format. This format is used with the ActiveReports .NET WinForms Viewer control. It provides precise output, and the comprehensive ActiveReports features (such as table of contents and hyperlinks).

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also