ActiveReports 11 Server User Guide
Web Service Library
ActiveReports 11 Server User Guide > Web Service Library

The Web Service Library contains documentation and syntax for the ActiveReports Server ReportService.


Checks user credentials and creates a security token if the credentials are valid. 


DataResult Object 
Represents an object containing the status of an IReportService operation. 
EMailDistribution Object 
Defines e-mail options to use in distributing the report.
ExceptionDetail Object 
Defines detailed exception information for an IReportService request operation error.
ItemDescription Object 
Contains descriptive information about stored resources. 
ItemDescriptionsResult Object 
Represents an object that is returned as a result of an Upload operation and contains an array of item descriptons.
Query Object 
Defines a query used to find reports in the Select operation.
RenderOptions Object 
Defines options for how to render a report. 
ReportDescription Object 
Contains descriptive information about stored reports. 
ReportParameter Object 
Defines a parameter for the report.
RequestInfo Object 
Defines status information for an IReportService request operation. 
RequestResult Object 
Represents an object containing the status, or result contract, of an IReportService request operation. 
Result Object 
Represents an object that is returned as a result of an IReportService operation. 
UploadOptions Object 
Defines options for how to upload a resource. 
UserCapabilities Object 
Represents a user capabilities object that is contained in a result from an IReportService get user capabilities operation.
UserCapabilitiesResult Object 
Represents a user capabilities result object that is returned as a result of an IReportService get user capabilities operation.


ModelPermission Enumeration 
Specifies the byte value of the enumerated level of permissions granted for the model associated with the report.
ReportParameterDomain Enumeration 
Specifies the byte value of the enumerated report parameter domain.
ReportType Enumeration 
Specifies the byte value of the enumerated report type for all supported reports.  
RequestState Enumeration 
Specifies the state of an IReportService request operation for a RequestInfo object. 
See Also
