ActiveReports 11 Server User Guide
ActiveReports 11 Server User Guide > Web Service Library > ReportService

Checks user credentials and creates a security token if the credentials are valid.


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public interface IReportService


A string representing the user name to validate.

A string representing the password for the specified user.

A string representing the value or values to validate in addition to user name and password, if any.

A Boolean value that indicates whether the security token remains valid across sessions.

Return Value

A security token if user credentials are valid; otherwise, null.

IReportService Methods

Name Description
CancelRequest Method Cancels the specified request.
Delete Method  Deletes the report specified in the ID parameter.
Download Method  Downloads the specified report from storage.
GetRequestStatus Method  Retrieves the status of the specified request.
GetUserCapabilities Method 

Retrieves the capabilities of the user with the specified security token.

IsLoggedIn Method  Determines whether the security token is valid.
Login Method  Checks user credentials and creates a security token if the credentials are valid.
Logout Method  Recalls the security token.
RenderReport Method  Renders the report specified in the description using the specified options.
ResolveParameters Method 

Populates the parameters for the specified report.

Select Method  Retrieves an array of report descriptions matching the criterion defined by the specified query.
SendReportEmail Method 

Renders the specified report and sends it via email according to the specified options.

Upload Method  Uploads the specified report to storage.
UploadResource Method  Uploads the specified resource to storage.
See Also