Wijmo UI for the Web
Wijmo User Guide > Widgets > Wizard

The wijwizard widget is used to display sections of content on separate, navigable pages so you can save screen real estate or simplify input tasks by creating a series of forms. For easy navigation, you can use wijwizard’s built-in navigation buttons or its autoplay feature. And if you’d like to add extra flair to the Wizard, you can combine it with the Pager widget for paged navigation.

For a listing of all of the options, methods, and events available on this widget, please see the API docs for wijwizard.

In this section

Quick Start

Main Elements

Markup and Scripting

Wizard How To

Adaptive for Mobile Use

This widget is an adaptive widget in v3. If you are running v2.3.x or earlier, it is not adaptive. You can download v3 2013 here: Downloads Page.

An adaptive widget is different from a jQuery UI widget in that you can use it in both mobile and non-mobile web applications. To use it in non-mobile applications, just use the regular help. To use it in mobile applications:

These steps are demonstrated in the jQuery Mobile topic.

See Also
