Wijmo UI for the Web
url Method
wijmo.tabs Namespace > wijtabs type : url Method
The zero-based index of the tab of which its URL is to be updated.
A URL the content of the tab is loaded from.
Changes the url from which an Ajax (remote) tab will be loaded.
$(function () {
    var returnsValue; // Type:  wijtabs
    // Parameters
    var index; // Type:  number
    var url; // Type:  string
    returnsValue = $(".selector").wijtabs("url", index, url);
function url( 
   index : number,
   url : string
) : wijtabs;


The zero-based index of the tab of which its URL is to be updated.
A URL the content of the tab is loaded from.
//Changes the second tab to a new tab url.
$("#element").wijtabs('url', 1, "http://wijmo.com/newTabUrl")
The specified URL will be used for subsequent loads. Note that you can not only change the URL for an existing remote tab with this method, but you can also turn an in-page tab into a remote tab.
See Also


wijtabs type
wijtabs jQuery Widget